Who we are

We are a church community in the heart of Matraville, dedicated to sharing the truth and good news of Jesus Christ. We are committed to leading the church through teaching the Bible and showing the Love and Justice of Jesus through our work in the world. With the help of the members of the church we hope to establish a place where all are welcome, and all can come to find rest in the truth and presence of God.

Meet the Leadership team!


Pastor Julian and Mariana have been serving at Matraville Baptist Church for over a decade now. Originally from Argentina, both have had a passionate heart for the mission of God in every part of life, from running a youth group together in their early days to now leading our Church!

Pastor Julian & Mariana Raimundo

Deacons & Elders

Michael O’Donnell

Deacon, Treasurer

Marianela O’Donnell


Deacon, Secretary

Samantha Raimundo

Deacon, Missions

Manuel Alvarez



Benjamin Raimundo

Elder, Administrator


Judy Smith

Honorary Elder

Matraville Baptist Church was first established in 1929 by Pastor John Turner. The church began to grow and the building began to grow along with it. On the 12th of January 1957, Mr J.C.Mackay, the then president of the Baptist Union unveiled the church building that you see today!  Ever since then the church has grown and changed in many ways, adapting to the changing times and cultures in Matraville. If you would like to know more about the Baptist Union of NSW & ACT, you can follow this link.

Scroll through the album to see some of the church history!

Safe Churches

We are dedicated to providing a safe space for all who attend our church and ministries. If you would like to learn more about our safe churches policies please follow the link below!

Values & Beliefs

The mission of the church is one of:

Evangelism (Sharing the Good News)

Equipping people to ministry

Establishing People in Christ

With a commitment to this mission through

  • Learning about Christ. This includes Biblical teaching in small groups and public worship which encourages people to understand and live out our mission

  • Loving like Christ. This includes fellowship and pastoral care within our congregation, small groups and wider community

  • Living like Christ. This includes public worship and worship through godly living in the wider world and in our daily lives

  • Leaning on Christ. This includes personal and corporate prayer and worship.

  • Leading others to Christ. This includes individual and corporate outreach fostered within our own church and in co-operation with other churches.


The Doctrinal position of the Church


We, as a church affirm the following beliefs:

(a)    That the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct (1 Tim 3: 16-17; Jn 17:17; 2 Pet 1:21; 2 Sam 23:2)

(b)    That there is one God in three eternal persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;(Mk 12: 29-30; Rev 4: 11; Gen 1:1-26; 16:13; Mt 28:19).

(c)     That Jesus Christ is God the Son, who revealed God and God’s love for all people by becoming truly human, giving himself up to death on the cross, rising from the dead and ascending into heaven;(Mt 1:20-22; Jn 1:1)

(d)    That all people are sinners and therefore separated from God (Gen 1:27, 31; 2:16; 3:16-24; Acts 17:26; Rom 3:23; 5:15-19, 6:23)

(e)    That by His gracious gift alone, God makes people right with himself through the sacrificial death of Jesus and that this gift is received by faith alone. (1 Cor 15:3; Acts 4:12)

(f)      We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord; in His ascension into heaven; in His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate; and His Second Coming (Jn 20; Heb 12:1 - 3; Acts 1:2-11; Eph 1:20; 1 Cor 15:4, 20; 1 Thes 4:15; 5:2; 2 Pet 3:10)

(g)    We believe that God through the Holy Spirit convinces people of sin and all who repent of their sin and who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by Faith, are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God (Jn 1:12; 3:1-6; Rom 6:23; Eph 2:7; 1 Jn 3:1)

(h)    We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust; the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost (Rom 6:5; Heb 6:2; 1 Thes 4:16)

(i)      That the Christian Church is the gathered community of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ;

(j)      We believe in two sacraments as ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ; namely baptism of true believers by immersion in water, and the Lord’s Supper (Acts 8:12; Rom 6:3-4; 1 Cor 11:23-26)